DB11/045-2000 英文版翻译 柴油车自由加速烟度排放标准

ChinaAutoRegs|DB11/045-2000 英文版/English/翻译/柴油车自由加速烟度排放标准
Emission Standard for Smoke at Free Acceleration From Vehicles with Diesel Engines


This standard specifies the emission limits for smoke at free acceleration from road vehicles with diesel engines.
This standard applies to the vehicles, equipped with compression ignition engine (C.I.E.), e.g. the engines fuelled with diesel, LPG, natural gas or other alternate fuels, with the maximum mass (GVW) exceeding 400kg and the maximum design speed  50km/h.


The following Standards contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Standard. At time of publication, the editions indicated were valid. All standards are subject to revision, and parties to agreements based on this Standard are encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the most recent editions of the Standards indicated below.

GB/T 3846-93 Measurement method for smoke exhausted from vehicle with diesel engine at free acceleration – Filtermeter
GB/T 15089-94 Classification of power-driven vehicles


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