ChinaAutoRegs|GB/T 44500-2024英文版翻译 新能源汽车运行安全性能检验规程
Code of practice for new energy vehicles safety operation inspection
ChinaAutoRegs|GB/T 44373-2024英文版翻译 智能网联汽车术语和定义
Intelligent and connected vehicle—Terms and definitions
ChinaAutoRegs|GB/T 44287英文版翻译 商用车电控气压制动系统(EBS)性能要求及试验方法
Performance requirement and testing methods for electronic braking system (EBS) of commercial vehicles
ChinaAutoRegs|GB/T 22671-2024英文版翻译 外转子电动机试验方法
Test methods for external-rotor motors
ChinaAutoRegs|2024年第32号国家标准公告 GB/T英文版翻译 English Translated Standards
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 14166-2024英文版翻译《机动车乘员用安全带和约束系统》
Safety-Belts and Restraint Systems for Occupants of Power-Driven Vehicles
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 14167-2024英文版翻译《机动车乘员用安全带和约束系统安装固定点》
Safety-Belt Anchorages and Restraint Systems Anchorages for Occupants of Power-Driven Vehicles